Tuesday, 14 September 2010

solace in Fast Car

Watikah hari ini adalah...

Keadaan opis ini adalah amat bersepah-sepah.  Sekiranya aku merentan pada saat ini, for sure, hancus la opis ni sebab ia akan mengambil masa setengah bulan nak kena dibetulkan balik.  So, no no no.  Kenot afford to bikin trouble.

For the moment, listening to old songs that comforted my heart years ago.  Right now, it is Tracy Chapman's Fast Car.  I thought I'd share it with you.  It kinda gave me hope that I can clear much by the end of the day today. 

Hope - is a good thing.  And finding yourself in a whole serabut kinda mess - is a good thing too. 

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