Thursday, 1 July 2010


I love to touch my phone.  But I've got buttons on them.  

Buttons aren't sexy. 

Buttons are just so last season. 

Buttons are just...  Buttons.

I want a phone that touches me by me touching it.  This is a revolution.  Even ATMs are touch screen nowadays.  And I want to have that personal touch. 

Funny ain't it how simple things can make you feel special?  And getting my hands on LG Cookie Monster Party at Neutral Club invite due 24th July 2010 would make me feel extra special too. 

I really want it.  Please. 

I want to be touched. 

I want a Cookie. 

I want an LG Cookie. 

Why wouldn't I?  Just look at this.  I kid you not:

I wasn't lying, was I?  I want to dress up as a monster too.  I want to shock the heck out of my mum.  Halloween is a whole other thing, okay.  THAT, would be too long to wait. 

Oh, and by the way, Kenny Sia's gonna be there for the party. 

And I really want to have one of those cool monsters in my hands.  It touched me.  Just by looking at it.  I am drooling.  And I want to belong it.  Let's face the truth in it.  I am the monster's BOO. 

Buttons aren't sexy.

Buttons are just so last season.

Buttons are just... Buttons.

I really want it this cookie. Please.

I want to be touched by a cookie.

And I want a Cookie.

~ I really want an LG Cookie ~

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